Join NBCC at the closing celebration for Black History Month 2023

We are honoured that our keynote speaker is Dr. Jennifer Njenga MD MPH DRPH CEO & Founder of Canadian Homecare Group, Queen Elizabeth II’s Platinum Jubilee Medal Recipient, and Co-Chair of Modernizing Alberta’s Primary Health Care Systems (MAPS).

Canada Homecare Group has several programs specifically to ensure that the less privileged populations in our community have access to quality primary healthcare and the health information they need.

Dr. Jennifer is a physician with nearly 20 years of work experience in several countries including South Africa, Namibia, Uganda, Australia, New Zealand and Canada.

Dr. Njenga carries extensive experience in healthcare strategy and policy-making spanning decades, across the world she has been widely consulted as an expert on different aspects of healthcare systems at the community, governmental and international levels.


Buy your tickets on Eventbrite by clicking here: https://www.eventbrite.ca/e/black-history-month-2023-nbcc-banquet-awards-of-excellence-tickets-577486998157